Modular Action Wrench from Short Action Customs

I very frequently use a variety of Short Action Customs (SAC) equipment in my gunsmithing shop and on the channel. I often use one action for multiple barrels, so a barrel vise and action wrench are everyday must-haves for me. 


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About the Short Action Customs Modular Barrel Wrench

I typically use several different action wrenches. 

I have a few of the external style, which I use for really heavily torqued-on actions, especially factory actions. Overall, I prefer the internal style, but with one for each action type – it can get expensive and take up considerable space.

Short Action Customs has come out with a modular system that utilizes the internal services of the receiver to tighten the receiver onto the barrel. It has a bumper on the end that protects the end of the barrel and inside of the action. There are a variety of heads for different action types. This wrench is limited to 120 foot pounds. I torque down to 90 foot pounds, so I’m well in range. 

From Short Action Customs: 


Like all of our Original Products at Short Action Customs, the Modular Action Wrench was born out of necessity. After spending over $1500 in action wrenches that were marginal at best, we decided to create a complete modular system that offers a very low cost of ownership, yet offers a precise fit to your specific action. Best yet, all parts are covered by our lifetime guarantee (see details below). 


The Modular Action Wrench is a modular system composed of a few parts.  


After extensive torture testing we manufactured our wrench bodies out of 4140 Alloy Steel with a super hard heat treat and protected with a Black Oxide finish. With our unique modified 3/8″ square drive interface is tool-less and offers super quick wrench head changes. On the back end, we have a standard 5/8″ Hex to work with any standard 6 point or 12 point socket. With a nominal .685″ body diameter, it works with a large array of actions from Howa 1500’s, Tikka T3’s to the Surgeon XL magnum action.


The heart of our system. The action wrench heads are quickly secured to the wrench body with out the use of tools.  Each action wrench head is designed to properly fit specific actions ensuring proper torque transfer to the action with out any damage.  Most of the action wrench heads are Wire EDM cut to a .001″ tolerance out of 4140 Alloy Steel, then heat treated to HRC 32 to be softer than the action, yet standing up to abuse. Finally we finish the action wrench heads with a corrosion resistant Black Oxide finish to ensure a long service life.

One of the best features of our action wrench heads is that they work with most 3/8″ Square Drive Extensions that are currently available on the market. 


At the very front of the Modular Action Wrench assembly is our front bumper. Made in two lengths for barrels with counterbores and with out counterbores. Made of super strong Delrin, the front bumpers main purpose is to properly secure the action wrench head to the body via a 8/32 thread. Secondly, the front bumper properly locates the action wrench assembly into the action, ensuring that the head is precisely in the correct spot to prevent any damage to the action. Lastly, the front bumper protects the face of the barrel. It never made sense to us at Short Action Customs why people insert hard, steel objects and press them up against the face of the barrel.

Simply select the appropriate model number for the action you wish to use. If you do not see your action listed, please contact us, we are always developing new action wrench heads and some actions may work with certain models. We will update the list. 

*** Indicates Right Hand Configuration Only

Model 1: Remington 700 actions, Defiance Deviant/Ruckus/Rebel actions (does not if Defiance Elite), Impact 737 actions, Bergara B14, Lone Peak Fuzion.

Model 2: Winchester M70, FN SPR actions, Springfield 1903 ***

Model 3: American Rifle Company Mausingfield actions ***

Model 4: BAT Machine TR and similar actions

Model 5: Tikka T3 actions

Model 6: Howa 1500 actions ***, Borden actions, Kelbly’s actions

Model 7: Bighorn TL, SR, and Origin actions, ejector must be removed. Gunwerks GLR Left and Right, Savage Small Shank.

Model 8: American Rifle Company Nucleus/Archimedes actions

Model 9: Curtis Custom actions only, will no work with Terminus actions

Model 10: Defiance Elite, Pierce actions, Tuebor Raider

Model 11: Defiance .750″ diameter bolts, Surgeon XL

Model 12: Sako A7

Model 13: Surgeon 591

Model 14: Terminus actions, will work with Curtis Customs

Model 15: Sako TRG actions

Model 20: McMillan TAC50 actions

Slide the wrench into the action and you can see the bumper against the end of the barrel tenon. Next we take a torque wrench and socket and either tighten the receiver onto a barrel or loosen it from a barrel.

Upcoming we have videos about the Bravo and Modular barrel vises from Short Action Customs. Let us know what works best for you! 

Get the Gear! 

This modular action wrench is available directly from for $175.

Various heads are available for $50 each. 

And a couple great options for barrel vises:

Don’t miss out on Ultimate Reloader updates, make sure you’re subscribed!

Gavin Gear 

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