Tag: SRS Ti Pro 3

Showdown! 7mm Rem Mag -vs- 7mm PRC (In Depth)

For over 60 years, Remington’s 7mm Magnum has been the most popular 7mm magnum, outpacing the 7mm Weatherby Magnum, 7mm STW, 7mm Mashburn, 7mm WSM and 7mm Remington Ultra Mag. Now there’s a new contender for the middleweight champion, the 7mm PRC. So far, it appears to be amazingly popular for a cartridge that was […]

338 Lapua Build Start to Finish

If you liked the 7mm PRC Freedom Rifle Build, you’re going to love this 338 follow up! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) […]