Lock It Down: Rock Vise Solutions (Pedestal, Tips & Tricks)

Work Holding – it’s gotta be done right. Having the room to work, and the confidence to get the job done is critical. We’re using the Rock Vise more and more as we go. Honestly, it’s hard to get away from. In this story, I wanted to pass on how this vise has made my daily gunsmithing easier, and what mounting options have worked for me.


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Work Holding

I use this Vise for gunsmithing on a regular basis. Over the last several months the Rock Vise has made it’s way into my workflow for things like daily AR-15 gunsmithing, scope mounting (especially with the Arrow Products Precision Scope Leveling Mount), stock & chassis bedding, gun cleaning and more!

I actually used this to literally hang a 45lb ELR rifle off it for bedding. Each task I have put it up to has been accomplished without a single issue. The Arca & Pic mounting options, plus the available add-ons make this thing a work horse!

After some time getting familiar with the vise, I’ve begun to look at alternative mounting options. At first, I created a custom mounting plate that would integrate right into the Ultimate Reloader Bench System. Check out my Bench System in this video:

Speaking of – if you’ve picked up the 2025 Hodgdon Annual Manual you’ll see an article inside detailing my bench system! It’s right on the cover!

Inline Fabrication has some awesome mounting solutions as well. We use the Ultramount system for just about everything. In this case, they offer a quick change top plate for the Rock Vise. I think we’ll be looking at that option for the shop soon!

In the meantime, I wanted an independent solution at my gunsmithing bench. So, I found this old pedestal which just happened to have a similar footprint to the rock vise. I drilled and tapped some holes, and it was a perfect fit! It’s been a nice way to mount the vise. I can get all the way around it, with plenty of room to work. 

Let’s check out how this pedestal has made a difference in my workspace!


Brake Install

We’ve been doing some work with the Hawkins Updraft Brake. So, I wanted to demo that install process. I’m installing this (and I’ve been doing some testing) on my custom 6.5 Creedmoor, in the Foundation Samson Stock. This setup is awesome. For more on the Foundation Samson, check out the video!

Right off the bat, torquing the brake down on this stand with Rock Vise poses no problems. The stand is secure; it didn’t budge an inch – confidence inspiring! I can articulate the vise however I need to position the rifle for the best workflow. Also, a cool note on the Updraft brake from Hawkins – the set screws preserve the setting on the muzzle. This way, I can remove the brake and swap it out for a suppressor. I can then easily re-install the brake. 

Let’s look at another scenario.

Trigger Install

After trying out this workflow, I will never go back!

Let’s use the picatinny rail to install a trigger on this Stiller Predator 22 Creedmoor.

Once I mount the action in the pic rail, I can put the trigger in place, and we can locate it with a roll pin. Then we can hammer the pin from the other side. I can easily hold the punch, and hold the pin & hammer with ease. One thing is for sure when it comes to trigger installs, getting proper alignment is a serious task. The Rock Vise makes it – honestly, convenient.

This was so much easier than messing around with finicky bench setups


So I hope this was a great refresher on how having the right work holding can make your life easier. This vise has a permanent home in my shop, and I’m excited to continue working with it.

What kind of vise are you using, what kind of mounting solutions work for you? Stay tuned – there’s more to come!

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Arrow Products Rock Vise

Reaction Rod

Scope Level


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Gavin Gear

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