Tag: Revolver

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Bear Hunting A-Z

Have you ever been bear hunting?  Both Gavin and I have successfully taken bears. There’s something about a bear that adds a little spice to a hunt, perhaps it’s knowing they can be dangerous. I thoroughly enjoy bear hunting. It can be challenging, any adult bear is generally a trophy worth taking, the meat can […]

TESTED: Hodgdon’s CFE Pistol Smokeless Powder

If you’re looking for a versatile powder for revolvers or semi-auto handguns, CFE Pistol certainly deserves your attention. That’s the powder that’s front and center in this story! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including […]

A Tour of the UR Revolver Collection

I really enjoy revolvers. I enjoy looking at them, taking care of them, loading ammunition for them, shooting them, and just generally appreciating them!  So I thought it would be fun to share with you all my collection of Smith and Wesson revolvers. Model 1905 Snub Nose 38 Special, Rare 2″ Barrel This model 1905 […]

Taming the Beast: 500 S&W Special

Even Dirty Harry needs an occasional day off from the intensity of magnum handgun recoil. And I’m presuming that’s when he reaches for his box of 44 Special cartridges. Fast forward 46 years and today’s “most powerful handgun in the world” is even more intense: the 500 S&W Magnum. This is where 500 S&W Special […]

LEE Pistol Dies: Overview and Setup

My very first set of reloading dies were LEE 44 Magnum pistol dies that came with the LEE Pro-1000 press that I started out with. Since then, I’ve acquired many more sets of LEE dies ranging from 30-06 to 9mm to 45 ACP to 357 SIG and quite a few in between. LEE Pistol Dies […]

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