Tag: Vihtavuori Powder

Recap: Ultimate Reloader Joins Frankford Arsenal at Gunsite

Recently, I had the opportunity to go to the Gunsite Academy in Paulden Arizona to teach reloading, hang out with some awesome influencers, and shoot out to 1,436 with these new friends. This event was hosted by Frankford Arsenal and Crimson trace. It was a great time, and I wanted to provide a quick recap […]

In-Depth Ballistics Discussion with Bryan Litz and Applied Ballistics

My approach to learning a technical subject like long-range shooting is to first understand the “theory”, and then get hands-on with the “practice”. One of the resources I’ve found most helpful in understanding the theory of long range shooting are the Applied Ballistics publications that cover ballistics, long-range rifle shooting, and more. This reading combined […]