While Dillon Precision is known for their presses, they also make carbide die sets for pistol and rifle!
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About Dillon Carbide Pistol Dies
We have the 9mm carbide dies for demonstration, but Dillon offers a variety of calibers. (It’s important to note that the Dillon Square Deal B takes very specific dies that only work on that press.)
This three-die set comes with a sizing die, seating die, and crimp die. It also includes instructions, a reference case, and a dummy cartridge.
From Dillon Precision:
Dillon Dies are engineered to give the very best performance, durability and reliability on your Dillon Reloader. Hand made in the USA from the highest quality sintered carbide , our dies are hand finished to exact standards. All Dillon Pistol Die sets include our size / depriming die, seating die and a separate crimp die (taper crimp for auto cartridges, accu-crimp for revolver cartridges).
Sizing/Depriming Die
Our sizing/depriming dies feature a unique “floating decapping assembly” with a snap spring that throws the spent primer off the pin and eliminates the problem of primer “draw back” that often occurs when decapping military brass. The primary feature of Dillon’s size die design the long, tapered carbide ring with a radiused opening, remains unchanged.
The radiused opening, and its importance to progressive reloading, is one of the reasons why our seat and crimp dies are better. We found a way of manufacturing these dies that has enabled us to make the lead-in radius even bigger! The bigger radius makes progressive loading with our equipment even smoother but that’s still only a part of the story.
Bullet Seating Die
Our new quick-disassembly seat die allows the user to disassemble and clean the seat die without losing adjustment. In this manner, bullet lube and shavings can be quickly removed from the die, thereby guaranteeing a constant seating depth. We’ve incorporated a “flip-flop” seating stem and a clip that enables you to remove the die insert and change the seating stem from round nose to semi-wadcutter without unscrewing a seating stem out of the die body. We’ve always included both types of seating stems, but the new double-ended design makes it a simple matter to remove a pin, reverse the seating stem, make any minor seating depth adjustments that may be necessary and go on loading in a fraction of the time it used to take.
Crimp Die
We’ve made it easy for you to remove the die insert for cleaning without having to change the critical crimp adjustment. Once your crimp die is set for the proper amount of crimp, you’ll never have to change it. This is especially good news for all of you who load lead bullets! Before, you had to unscrew the die from the toolhead and disassemble the die in order to remove any bullet lube or lead residue. Then, you had to start from square one to re-adjust the crimp. Those days are over. All you have to do now is pop a clip and the die insert drops into your hand for cleaning.
Every Dillon resizing/decapping die features a unique spring loaded decapper.
This not only results in a satisfying “pop” while depriming, but prevents primers from sticking to the decapping pin. (This pin is replaceable.) The carbide ring is profiled with an optimal lean in radius for progressive presses.

Dillon seating dies have a quick clip for swift disassembly, allowing the user to remove a pin to flip the dual-sided seating plug without having to adjust the die body!

This capability also allows the user to clean out the die while preserving the setting. Like the seating die, the crimp die also includes a quick disassembly clip – set the die once and leave it!

This die also features a generous lead-in for optimized use on progressive presses.
About Dillon Steel Rifle Dies
Dillon’s steel rifle die sets include a sizing/depriming die, seating die, taper crimp die, and spare decapper and are available in .223, .308, and .30-06.
The sizing dies are also available separately. Dillon’s steel sizing die includes a carbide expander ball for “squeak-free” neck expansion. The taper crimp die is optimized for semi-automatics.
From Dillon Precision:
Dillon Dies are engineered to give the very best performance, durability and reliability on your Dillon Reloader. Hand made in the USA from the highest quality sintered carbon , our dies are hand finished to exact standards. All Dillon rifle die sets include our size / depriming die, seating die and a taper crimp die.
NOTE: These dies are NOT compatible with the Square Deal B.
Sizing / Depriming Die
The sizing/depriming die is full-length and sized to minimum tolerances to size cases down to function in both semi and fully automatic firearms. We strongly suggest that a headspace case gauge be used to correctly adjust the size die.
For high volume users, such as commercial reloaders, law enforcement agencies, and high power or service rifle competitors, we also offer .223 and .308 die sets with a full-length carbide sizing die. Lubrication is still required, but the increased scratch resistance and die longevity of carbide are of great benefit to these groups of users.
The depriming assembly includes a carbide expander ball for “squeak-free”, effortless, neck expansion. This expander ball is located in the middle of the depriming stem to take advantage of superior initial leverage for easier extraction.
In the event of a stuck case, the design of the depriming assembly allows it to function as a stuck case remover.
Bullet Seating Die
Our bullet seating die is internally designed to keep the bullet straight throughout the seating process. Once properly adjusted, the only measurable runout will be that which is inherent in the bullet.
Taper Crimp Die
The taper crimp die is also specially configured to center both the case neck and the case body, thereby aligning the entire cartridge for a more uniform crimp. Dillon Rifle Dies are designed to meet the more rigid requirements for both accuracy and precision demanded by today’s marksman. A taper crimp die is preferred for loading ammunition intended to be used in semiautomatic firearms with detachable box magazines, and in lever-action firearms with tubular magazines.
We strongly recommend using a headspace case gauge when loading bottleneck rifle cartridges.
Rifle headspace case gauges assist in proper size die adjustment and in checking cases for whether they need to be trimmed. Essential for long case life, especially with semi-automatic firearms! Dillon Precision headspace case gauges are made of stainless steel for long life. Select your rifle case gauge during caliber selection.
About Dillon Carbide Rifle Dies
Dillon carbide rifle die sets are essentially the same as the steel three-die set, but with a carbide full-length sizer in place.
The sizing die is also available separately. Dillon offers them in .223, .308, .300 Blackout, .30 M1 Carbine, and .30-06.
Both the steel and carbide rifle die sets feature a carbide expander ball, min-spec chamber (sizer), a seater optimized for minimal runout, and a taper crimp die that centers the case.
From Dillon Precision:
Dillon Dies are engineered to give the very best performance, durability and reliability on your Dillon Reloader. Hand made in the USA from the highest quality sintered carbon, our dies are hand finished to exact standards. All Dillon Rifle Die sets include our size / depriming die, seating die and a separate crimp die (taper crimp for auto cartridges, accu-crimp for revolver cartridges).
NOTE: These dies are NOT compatible with the Square Deal B.
Sizing/Depriming Die
The sizing/depriming die is full-length and sized to minimum tolerances to size cases down to function in both semi and fully automatic firearms. We strongly suggest that a headspace case gauge be used to correctly adjust the size die.
For high volume users, such as commercial reloaders, law enforcement agencies, and high power or service rifle competitors, we also offer .223 and .308 die sets with a full-length carbide sizing die. Lubrication is still required, but the increased scratch resistance and die longevity of carbide are of great benefit to these groups of users.
The depriming assembly includes a carbide expander ball for “squeak-free”, effortless, neck expansion. This expander ball is located in the middle of the depriming stem to take advantage of superior initial leverage for easier extraction.
In the event of a stuck case, the design of the depriming assembly allows it to function as a stuck case remover.
Bullet Seating Die
Our bullet seating die is internally designed to keep the bullet straight throughout the seating process. Once properly adjusted, the only measurable runout will be that which is inherent in the bullet.
Crimp Die
The taper crimp die is also specially configured to center both the case neck and the case body, thereby aligning the entire cartridge for a more uniform crimp. Dillon Rifle Dies are designed to meet the more rigid requirements for both accuracy and precision demanded by today’s marksman. A taper crimp die is preferred for loading ammunition intended to be used in semiautomatic firearms with detachable box magazines, and in lever-action firearms with tubular magazines.
Rifle headspace case gauges assist in proper size die adjustment and in checking cases for whether they need to be trimmed. Essential for long case life, especially with semi-automatic firearms! Dillon Precision headspace case gauges are made of stainless steel for long life.
We strongly recommend using a headspace case gauge when loading bottleneck rifle cartridges – order from the available options in the configuration menu.
Most of your die needs will fit into one of the above categories, though Dillon does offer some other products, including a carbide full length sizing/depriming die for .50 BMG and a conversion kit for the Square Deal B.
While these dies are marked Dillon, they work well in a variety of presses, including single-stage!
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Dillon Carbide Pistol Die Sets
Dillon Carbide Full Length Sizing/Depriming Die .50 BMG
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