ATN offers a variety of thermal optics to fit different needs and budgets. Previously, we tested the affordable ThOR LTV 4-12x and X-Sight 5 LRF, now we’re trying their flagship ThOR 5 XD LRF 4-40x!
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About the ATN ThOR 5 XD LRF
ATN offers three different magnifications in the ThOR 5 XD series: 2-20x, 3-30x, and 4-40x. Each of these is available with and without a laser range finder. We have the 4-40x LRF model with a 1280×1024 fifth generation thermal sensor, ATN’s top model. It has a built-in ballistic calculator, recoil-activated video, and simultaneous streaming/recording. This makes it easy not only to preserve your hunt but allows a hunting buddy to see what you do in real time.
From ATN:
This scope charges with a USB-C cord and can be connected to an external battery for longer life in the field.
Battery life is 10 hours. In addition to using the scope buttons to navigate, you can also control settings using the companion app.
From here you can quickly change the thermal color palette, reticle, and more. ATN also has a built-in reticle editor that allows you to customize existing reticles and create your own.
What’s in the Box
This all-in-one package includes the thermal with integrated laser range finder, neoprene cover, collapsible rubber hood, USB cable, one-piece quick-release mount, Allen keys, owner’s manual, warranty card, and lens cloth.
About the Rifle and Installation
With the goal of coyote hunting in mind, I mounted the ATN ThOR 5 XD LRF on my full-custom 22 ARC in a UD5 chassis with UD lightweight buttstock.
This rifle is centered around a BAT TR action with a Ballistic Advantage barrel. I have actually used this exact BAT TR action with my 6mm ARC. The modular bolt allows for swift and easy caliber changes.
What gets tricky with oddball bolt calibers is the magazine. I bent the feed lips on a custom AICS magazine with Primal Rights Conversion Kit I use for .224 Valkyrie. It now works well for 22 ARC and the 7.62 x 39 bolt face.
Mounting the scope was straightforward.
I zeroed it at 100 yards, using an activated toe warmer as a target and the one-shot zero feature.

I have successfully used this feature, though I have often refined it with a second iteration.
A friend and I headed towards Central Washington state, having selected hunting grounds we heard had been rife with coyotes. It wasn’t long after we arrived and set up the call that we began hearing howls from all directions. While we waited for the coyotes to come into view, we surveyed the area, seeing deer out to approximately 750 yards.
Animals were easy to detect with the ThOR 5 XD’s powerful magnification and high-resolution sensor. Rocks retaining heat from the sun also glowed in the scope.
This scope has approximately four times the number of pixels than any other thermal scope I’ve worked with and it made a significant difference.
When a coyote finally came within shooting distance, I followed it and took a shot as it wove between the bushes. I missed the animal, and in hindsight should have made a noise that would have most likely stopped it in its tracks just long enough for a shot.
As the night continued, I enjoyed watching deer through the scope, impressed by the clarity even on greater magnification. The UD5 ARCA rail made it easy to secure the rifle in a tripod for steadier shots and filming. I did not shoot at the deer as they are not in season, but they were still fun to watch.
The laser range finder was especially convenient—I didn’t have to look away from the scope to range with another night-compatible device. To use the ballistic calculator in conjunction with the LRF, you have to enable it when you turn the scope on.
I really appreciated this feature as Washington’s wide open spaces make long distance shots probable. Having the appropriate data is especially important. Having access to it quickly within the thermal can be a gamechanger.
While using thermal is always fun, the high resolution sensor and 4-40x magnification made it a whole different experience for me.
I look forward to hunting more with this optic as well as testing it on steel to confirm the accuracy of the ballistics calculator and reticles for fast ranging.
Get the Gear
Purchase ThOR 5XD LRF directly from ATN!
Hornady 22 ARC 75 grain ELD-M Ammunition at Midsouth Shooters Supply
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