Berry’s QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler

Berry’s QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler is different from other vibratory tumblers because of its Quick Detach bowl feature. In seconds the bowl can be popped off and replaced by another bowl. In this story, we show you how it works.


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About the Berry’s Manufacturing QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler

From the Berry’s Manufacturing QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler web page:

Berry’s Model QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler is an industry first. With a patented quick-detach system, you can remove the bowl from the base completely, keeping spills and messes to a minimum as you pour your brass and media into a separator without having to handle the entire unit. The large, smooth bowl aids in turning and moving the brass and media for quick thorough cleaning. The clear domed polycarbonate lid lets you see the progress without turning off the motor. The motor comes with a 3-year warranty; all other parts come with a lifetime warranty and are made in the USA. 

Even if  you’ve been using Berry’s plated bullets for a long time, you might not be aware that they build a couple of great brass tumblers, including this QD 500 which is super easy to use! What makes it different from other vibratory tumblers is that the bowl can be easily separated from the motor, making it much easier to pour the media into a container, leaving the now clean and shiny brass in the bowl for the reloader. Instead of picking up the whole tumbler and inverting it, just detach the bowl and deal with that. Easy as can be. 

What’s in the box

The QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler can be purchased with one or two big blue bowls. Extra bowls and lids can be purchased if desired. Each bowl has a capacity of: 

  • 9mm/1000
  • 45/600
  • 223/450
  • 30-06/250

Our test unit came with one bowl already attached and a second bowl securely packaged alongside. There’s a sturdy cord and switch of course. 

Setting up and using the QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler

Brass should be cleaned before re-sizing or de-priming. Set the tumbler on a flat concrete surface. Fill the tumbler bowl ⅔ full with dry cleaning media. Add two capfuls of Berry’s Brass Bright for each new load, if desired. Plug in and turn on the machine, let the brass tumble for 30 – 60 minutes for cleaning. Polishing could take several hours. The media should be changed when cleaning takes longer than the normal 60 minutes. 

It took only moments to set up the QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler. I removed it from the box and removed the protective plastic wrap. I filled the bowl part way with some walnut shell media then some dirty 44 magnum brass. Plugged it in, turned it on and left to do other tasks while the tumbler was cleaning brass for me. 

After the brass was clean, we only gave it about a half an hour, I poured the media and brass into a sifter and quickly separated the two. The brass looked good, even after only 30 minutes. 


The Berry’s QD-500 Vibratory Tumbler is a good piece of gear with the terrific feature of being able to remove or replace the bowl quickly and easily. If you’re in need of a brass tumbler consider this one, it’s just a bit different, and easier to use, than most of them on the market. 

Get the gear! 

You can get the QD Vibratory Tumbler directly from Berry’s Manufacturing HERE

Berry’s Bullets – Plated Bullets, Reloading & Shooting Supplies (

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Guy Miner

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