It felt like Disneyland. I recently joined Jon Addis, the owner of Area 419, behind the scenes at his shop to watch the progression of an idea into a full new product. Come follow along!
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Part Design
It all starts with an idea. A few days prior to my visit, Jon thought about another accessory for the back of the Area 419 ZERO press — something to store a spare turret or two.
My spare turrets find themselves just lying on the reloading bench with no real home. The existing ARCA-mounted storage block is designed to hold the ZERO torque wrench as well as various small tools, shell holders, and disparate parts. This helps keep the reloading area uncluttered and everything in its place.
Jon explained that when he has a new product in mind, having an existing product to start building from is extremely helpful. He was able to copy the storage block clamp bar and geometry in Autodesk Inventor to a new file to work in.
Working in Autodesk Inventor, Jon was able to get rough dimensions as he experimented with different designs based off of the storage block geometry.
He explained that he focuses on functionality first, but is always sure to dress up the product to Area 419 quality and aesthetics by the end.
Jon typically goes right to the mill rather than 3D printing a model. For the type of products Area 419 makes, 3D models are generally not going to be functional and machining the product is generally faster than printing it.
Once Jon had created a design in Autodesk Inventor he thought would be functional, he moved over to CAM.
In this software Jon could review a 3D model of all directions and “machine” relevant areas with simulated versions of the tools he has in his chosen machine.
He prototyped this new part on a GROB machine though he expected to mass produce it on another if it passed all testing.
The GROB had all the tools needed to produce the new accessory, so it made sense. When he had completed the design, Jon exported it to another program to test the appropriate CAM-generated codes and make sure nothing would crash into one another.
With all in order, he put it on a USB and took it over to the appropriate machine.
Prototype Machining
With the material block cut, Jon secured it in the LANG vise.
LANG has a hydraulic tool that stamps the same teeth that are in the vise into the metal for a stronger hold. The GROB G352 is a horizontal, five-axis machining center with a unique design. It holds 117 tools and has a 16,000 rpm HSK spindle.
Chips fall off the table down onto the conveyor for easy clean-up. Area 419 produces the ZERO press body on this versatile machine as well as scope mounts, scope rings, and some ARCA parts. Jon stood by the controls as the machine went to work though he had great confidence in the model.
The results were stunning and fast!
Area 419 now has this ZERO Turret Dock in production with updated geometry from the prototype shown above.
I truly enjoyed the process of shadowing Jon at work and it has left me inspired. Do you have product ideas? What accessories are you looking for? Drop a comment and let us know.
Get the Gear
Area 419 ZERO Press at Midsouth Shooters Supply
Area 419 ZERO Storage Block at Midsouth Shooters Supply
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