PREVIEW: Next-Level Wheeler Tools

Wheeler gunsmithing tools have been around for a long time. If you’re looking for something like a scope mounting tool kit, Wheeler Tools dominates! In addition, Wheeler makes extremely popular AR armorer’s tools, torque screwdrivers, and much more. In this story, I’ll give you a preview of the new Wheeler Tools re-brand, and show you one of the tools that will be part of a new product lineup. All set in the backdrop of Moab Utah, the location of Wheeler’s November 2021 media event.

Wheeler Tools New Look

As a part of the new tool lineup from Wheeler is a completely new look and feel. Here’s the “old” Wheeler branding:

And here’s a preview of the new colors, logo, and branding:

Looks pretty good on a Jeep eh? I think so! There’s a lot of exciting things coming from Wheeler that are well exemplified by this new branding, but you’ll have to wait to find out more! Trust me, it’s super-cool stuff.

Preview: Wheeler “Fat Sticks”

I was excited to try out one of the new tool sets from Wheeler coming early 2022: “Fat Sticks”. This is a T-Handle torque limiter and driver set that includes:

  • T-Handle
  • Modular torque limiters (four different torque values ranging from 15 in-lb to 65 in-lb
  • 1/2″ socket for scope bases
  • Driver extension
  • Various driver bits
  • Clamshell soft case with soft rubber tool holder insert (grips tools, but easy to remove them!)

This tool set worked great for the scope mounting as a part of the AR-15 build (see below). More details when available, stay tuned!

Aero Precision / Ballistic Advantage AR-15 Build

It’s always fun to put together an AR, and this was no exception! Wheeler wanted us to get hands-on with their tools, and there’s no better way than to put together a firearm! We had barrels from Ballistic Advantage, and upper/lower receivers from Aero Precision. What was unique about this build was the “social” aspect of it! Wheeler brought together influencers and media publishers from a variety of areas including pro tool reviewers, firearms media professionals, and people from the outdoor/motorsports world. Some people had built ARs before, and some had no experience with them at all. It was very fun to collaboratively build these rifles!

Here are some of the tools we used for the build:

When I finished my AR build, I was thinking: “let’s go shoot”! I had to wait until the next day- I guess that’s not too bad, we were about to drive Jeeps in Moab after all!

Here’s myself with Talon from Talon SEI and Sunday Gunday on YouTube:

We practically look like “proud parents” of our new rifles 😂.

Polymer 80 Pistol Build

Next up: we built P80 PFS9 pistols from Polymer 80. This was something new for me! Polymer 80 sells 80% kits, assemble yourself kits, and complete pistols. These were kits that you assemble (no machining or fitting required).

Above: I work with Clint from Pro Tool Reviews on our Polymer 80 pistol kits. This was a great opportunity for us to understand the internal workings of these handguns!

Here’s some information about the Polymer 80 PFS9 pistol:

The new PFC9â„¢ & PFS9â„¢ Complete Pistols combine innovative ergonomics and features to provide
the ultimate in shoot-ability and comfortable concealment. Built with high-strength reinforced polymer
construction, the P80® Pistol Frames include our aggressive standard texture on the sides, front and
backstrap for a supreme grip in multiple environments. Our complete Slide features front and rear
serrations coupled with clean, modern lines and a heavy front chamfer which allows effective manipulation and holstering of a P80® pistol while maintaining a low-key aesthetic profile.

Included in the Package:

    • PFC9â„¢ / PFS9â„¢ Complete Pistol
    • Black Carrying Case with Foam Insert
    • Instruction Manual

These pistols shot great! In fact, I had no trouble hitting some Caldwell steel targets at 100 yards! (thanks to the spotters for getting me on target)

More to Come

I hope you enjoyed this “preview” of things to come from Wheeler Tools.

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