Ruger Precision Rifle Part 3: Range Day 1 Recap and Fireside Chat with the 6.5 Guys

In my last post, I took you all to the range to try out two Ruger Precision Rifles at both 600 yards range, and at 1000 yards range. A great day, and great performance for these two rifles. In this post, I want to invite you to enjoy a new experience on Ultimate Reloader: the “Fireside Chat”. The 6.5 Guys (Ed Mobley and Steve Lawrence) and I will review how the shooting went, talk about our experiences with these rifles, and discuss ideas for accessories and upgrades.

Steve Lawrence dials in the dope on the Vortex Viper 6-24 x 50mm scope getting ready to try out the Ruger Precision Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor

When you are shooting with great optics and a precision rifle, it’s easy to forget that you are reaching out to over 1/2 mile when shooting at 1000 yards! For this first foray into shooting at these distances, I was heavily reliant on Jim Findlay’s and Ed Mobley’s skills reading the wind, and spotting/coaching me from the spotting scope. Here’s a picture that shows just how far these targets are from the shooting platform:

600 yard and 1000 yard targets at the North Central Washington Gun Club

Here’s a picture of me shooting the 243 Winchester Ruger Precision Rifle at 600 yards. After a short period of time I was hooked!


In addition to shooting the Ruger Precision Rifles we had on hand, Ed and Steve also spent some time with their custom rifles shooting at 600 yards and at 1000 yards. With the help of their muzzle brakes, they were able to stay on target, with hardly the need for a spotter!


A great day for sure, and lots to discuss. Here’s our Fireside Chat at the “Ultimate Reloader Outpost”, you’ll have to imagine the smell of campfire smoke when you watch this:

Do you have a Ruger Precision Rifle? How have your experiences been at the range?

What would you do with $300 – $500 in upgrades (assuming you have your optics and optics mount taken care of).

Please drop a comment!

Lots more Ruger Precision Rifle content coming up, including reloading: something you all probably have been waiting for.


9 thoughts on “Ruger Precision Rifle Part 3: Range Day 1 Recap and Fireside Chat with the 6.5 Guys”

  1. The 3 of you make a great team. Good video guys. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep watching.
    Gavin, I’m looking forward to watching future videos on how you will squeeze even more accuracy out of the Ruger Precision Rifle.

  2. Really enjoying the video reviews.

    I would put some of the money into a muzzle break as suggested and a great set of dies for the 6.5

    If there was anything left over, I would put it towards an additional mag.

    Can’t wait for the next video!

  3. Nice overview and always great to see Steve and Ed. Personally, I’d probably look into getting one of the many threaded muzzle brakes with the idea of adding a QD suppressor. Not that you NEED one, but they are nice to have. I’d probably oversize it to say a .30 cal suppressor, that way you could use it with any of your standard calibers i.e. 7.62mm, 6.5mm, 6mm, and even 5.56mm if you want. I have a .30 cal suppressor and I have brakes on all by barrels to accept it,… works great!

  4. I already have both single stage and progressive reloading equipment but a few upgrades like a Hornady concentricity gauge/tool & micrometers for my dies to produce precision ammo comes first.

    If any funds remain, next comes quality ammo components, i.e., new dedicated long range one rifle casings & appropriate bullets.

    (Top quality ammo after lots of case prep time, range practice and quality cleaning techniques & equipment naturally follow. Time you can’t buy, but that dedication is necessary to achieve anything worth while.)

  5. I can’t believe you’re talking about load development and didn’t mention a Chronograph. Maybe you’re assuming that you already have one. If you do…

    1) Muzzle brake ($150)
    2) Sloped bag rider for bottom of stock ($40?)
    3) Shooting Bags? (Maybe you already have those too) ($50)
    4) Reloading Dies ($150)
    5) 2x Bullet Comparators. Used for measuring base to Ogive and sorting bullet based on barring surface. ($30)
    6) Good Brass and other components ($100+)

    Your money has to be spent after all that…
    But if you had more:
    -Custom Dies ($200). But this could wait until you buy your first custom barrel ($350). Buy the reamer ($250) too so that you can make sure the chamber will match your custom dies with the next barrel as well. I think you will see a big improvement in accuracy once you replace that hammer forged barrel!
    -Positional Shooting Sling ($75)
    -Shooting Mat ($75)
    -Coated cleaning rod (got to protect that custom barrel.) ($75)
    -Custom Barrel (You’re going to need one fairly quickly shooting that 6.5 Creedmore. Better put an order in now if you expect a gunsmith to work on it and get it on your rifle before you ware out the barrel that came with it. I’m currently being quoted 6 months for the barrel and another 2-6 months waiting for a good smith).

  6. Hmmm… What to spend the money on? After two days at the range:
    1. Bob’s Sled for single-round loading.
    2. (If they made it) a M-Lok UIT Rail or two to mount a versapod with handstop and sling swivel.
    3. Biathlon harness.
    4. Bore guide.

    I have a feeling that is all I would get out of $300.

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