Today I’m excited to launch another series of content: reloading shotshell with the RCBS Grand progressive shotshell reloading press. In this series I’ll take you through the entire process with this press including unboxing (this post), setup, and progressive reloading of 12 gauge shotshells. It’s going to be fun, and it’s always awesome to learn a new piece of equipment. I hope you’ll follow along in this series to see how this press works. If you have an RCBS grand be sure to share your tips/tricks and experiences with the press via post comments. Let’s get to it!

The RCBS Grand comes in a cardboard box with internal cardboard packing which keeps the contents safe during shipping and delivery. In the above picture you can see the press assembly/body and bin at rear. In the foreground you see (from left) the included VHS tape and DVD, the reloading guide and instruction book, primer tray, ejection chute, drain tube, small parts bag, bin bracket, powder hopper, spent primer collector, and shot hopper. Let’s take an up-close look at the press next!

My first impression: this is one solid press that appears to be very well built. I love the crackle green finish (same as on my RCBS Pro-2000), and this thing is just massive and built like a tank. For a reloading press, this thing seems like heavy equipment, and I like heavy equipment.
Here’s a video showing the unboxing process, you see my reaction the first time I see the parts and press come out of the box!
There you have it- the RCBS Grand is unboxed and ready for assembly. The first thing I’ll be doing is putting together a sub-plate for the press that’s compatible with my reloading bench system. That way I can have it mounted solidly for assembly, and can quickly secure it to the bench and release it from the bench for storage.
This is going to be fun, so stay tuned!
Gavin I have this unit and it’s awesome, I have loaded over 1200 12ga. Shells in a hurry. Couple of points little tricky getting everything set just right. I didn’t care for primers dropping into cup which kept coming loose from press so I routed them into container under bench. Also drilled hole in bench top so loaded shells went into slide drawer under bench top. Will send pictures.
Thanks Robert- and I appreciate you sending the pictures!
Now you have done it. I have been using an RCBS Rock Chucker press for about 38 years and a Pro2000 indexed for a year. A new, at least to me, shotgun press form RCBS will no doubt be in the gun room before the year is out. Does it cover 12 gauge, 26 gauge, and 20 gauge?
Great website by the way, very informative and a great way to keep current. Keep up the good work.
Ops. My vision is failing and I missed two typos. First I meant from RCBS not form RCBS and second I meant 16 gauge not 26 gauge. How does one edit out such mistakes?
Gavin, Why a new shotshell press when you already have the Hornady up and running. Both are very fine presses; the Hornady is essentially a rebadged Pacific 366 with little change in nearly 50 years (why change a good thing!??). Love seeing both of them, but wondering why you went with the RCBS…
Your opinion on the MEC Sizemaster. I’m new to shotgun shell reloading and I’d like one single stage press that can reload 12, 20, 28, and .410. If I’m reading the reviews correctly the MEC Sizemaster offers those capabilities as long as I change certain components when loading certain guages. Is that correct? I look forward to your response. Thanks Eric Hammond, Trenton, MI. USA