IN THE SHOP: X-10 Progressive Press from Frankford Arsenal

My near-production-model Frankford Arsenal X-10 10-station progressive reloading press has arrived at the Ultimate Reloader shop! In this story, I’ll give you a preview of what the final shipping model will look like, do a quick 9mm loading demo, and disclose plans for the X-10 here at Ultimate Reloader.


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  • The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) is for demonstration purposes only.
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The first X-10 Preview at Frankford Arsenal Headquarters

In late 2021, I went to Frankford Arsenal to see the X-10 in person, and to get hands on with it!Note: In the video, we were demonstrating a pre-production press that did not have all of the final parts. We were therefore not running the press at full speed.

9mm Loading on Near-Production X-10

As mentioned in the video, I was able to setup the machine in about an hour without reading the instructions. Here’s how I setup the dies:

This time things went more smoothly, and I was able to run the press faster. The case feeder is REALLY quiet, and didn’t skip a beat. I can’t wait for the final version!

Don’t worry, I’ll be posted a complete unboxing, setup, overview video when I get one of these presses in final packaging! The ETA us summer 2022.

The Progressive Press Shootout is Coming!

Now that we have the X-10 in the shop, we’re able to complete filming (still underway, lots to do) featuring the presses outlined below.

Presses Included in Shootout

  1. Dillon RL1100
  2. Dillon RL-550C
  3. Dillon XL-750
  4. Frankford Arsenal X-10 (filmed)
  5. Hornady Lock-N-Load AP
  6. LEE Loadmaster
  7. LEE Pro 1000
  8. LEE Pro 4000 (Auto Breech Lock Pro)
  9. Mark 7 Apex 10
  10. RCBS Pro Chucker 5 (filmed)
  11. RCBS Pro Chucker 7 (filmed)

Stay tuned for more updates! My biggest project yet for sure. We also have a bunch more X-10 content in the works- more on that in the coming months!

Find out more at Frankford Arsenal

You can find out the latest on the Frankford Arsenal X-10 product page:

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