Ultimate Reloader LEE Give-Away: Winner Announcement

The first Ultimate Reloader giveaway has ended, and I wanted to share with you all who won the awesome prize!

I’m very happy for Judd Harris of Louisiana, congratulations! Judd plans on loading 308 Winchester with his new kit, and will use handloading as a hands-on compliment to his ballistics studies at the Sonoran Desert Institute where he’s studying for an Associates degree in firearms technology.

Here’s a selfie of Judd: (hey man, I hope that sticker in the background is People Eating Tasty Animals 🙂 ).

We had a great turnout (14,700 entries total), and I want to give a big thanks to Midsouth Shooters Supply and LEE Precision for making this giveaway possible! Look for more giveaways in the future!


One thought on “Ultimate Reloader LEE Give-Away: Winner Announcement”

  1. Congrats Judd!! “People Eating Tasty Animals ” from the movie “Did You Hear About The Morgans” ??

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