Hey everyone, I’m excited about my new Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24mm scope (see yesteday’s post) – and I have good news. I’ve reached out to Midsouth Shooters Supply, and we’ve put together a special deal for those of you that want to save on this awesome scope!
If you have an AR-15, and you’re looking for a close quarters scope, this is a great option at a great price. To get the deal, just click on this link:
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24mm Scope at Midsouth Shooters Supply
…and then click the red “add to cart” button- you’ll see a $20.00 instant gift card applied when it’s added to your shopping cart. That’s it!
If you are contemplating this scope, now is the time! Don’t wait too long because this deal expires on October 10, 2016 at noon!
You’re welcome 🙂