If you have a touch of O.C.D. like I do, you like to keep a clean shop, but your notes in well-organized binders, and you also feel compelled to have neat-and-tidy ammo box labels for your hand-loaded ammo.
The tiny labels that come with jacketed bullets (in the box of bullets) are OK if you can write in 4 point sized letters, but for the rest of us, more space is needed. I decided to create labels on my PC using Avery 2″ x 4″ sticky back labels (I have some Avery 8163 labels, many more options in this size are available).
After a few variants, I have settled on the following format:

So far, these are working well for me. If you want to print your own, I’ve included a ZIP file attachment with PDF files for the following:
- Generic (caliber not on label)
- 38 Special
- 357 Magnum
- 44 Magnum
- 9mm Luger
- 45 ACP
- 40 S&W
- .226 / 5.56
- 308 Winchester
- 30-06
- 22-250
Have fun! Have suggestions for changes? Please comment on this post!
Here’s the updated download with .223/5.56 and 38 Super:
Thank you for saving my eyesight. The time and effort that you spend helping other handloaders is invaluable and much appreciated.
Thanks for posting this. These are great.
Could you do one for .223 Remington?
thanks again!
Truly appreciate all of the effort. Excellent stuff here.
UL, I sure would like a label for 38 Super.
Thanks so very much.
Gavin, it seems the .223 / 5.56 label didn’t make it to the PDF.
I’ve been using the MTM labels for some time. They aren’t easy to remove at all, often leaving pieces of the label on whatever they were affixed to. Do these labels leave any sticky residue after removal? If not, these seem like a much better and cheaper alternative.
OK guys, added .223 / 5.56 (was left out by accident) and also added 38 Super.
Have fun!
Gavin, these are great. Could you add .380 and .270 WIN?
Nicely made labels.
Could you change the PDF where we could type in the fields on the label?
My hand writing is terrible.
Can you add a couple more labels for 12 and 20ga shot shells?
These are great!
I’d like to share with you a variation I made – based on the “generic” label file. This is one allows the user to type in every field. (Note: Due to the design of PDF files, you cannot save what you type unless you own a full copy of the Acrobat “creator” program… but with the free Reader you can enter the data and send your labels to the printer, so they will print correctly.)
Can I upload this to share it with you (and if you like it, to add it to your site)? Let me know how, if you wish.
Thank you for a great site,
Thanks James- please send me the file!
Hi James,
do you still have the editable field version of this label? if so, please email it to me.
You got it!
I can’t seem to find a link for contacting you onsite. Am I missing it? My email is entered in leaving a reply, can you shoot me a note that way?
Thanks, Gavin!
Would you mind emailing me your file where you can edit these labels?
Patrick Rutherford
Hi Gavin,
Just found your site, looks very informative, keep it up!. I have an invention for Dillon 550B and 650 presses that allows you to switch instantly from 38 spec to 357 mag OR from 44 spec to 44 mag without a second toolhead. I sold via ebay and shipped one to a Gavin in the last few months and I’m wondering if it was you. If not I would be pleased to send you one in exchange for a review on your site. Search ebay or gunbroker.com for Dillon Adjustable or go here to see how it works:
Please email direct for more info to dougwilliams@embarqmail.com
Doug Williams
Do you have an editable feilds version ?
Thanks Gavin
This is wonderful stuff! I really appreciate it.
If you should do some edits in the future, please consider adding 270 Winchester and 380 ACP to the list of labels, it would be a great help to me. Thanks again for making these available!
If you use the program Nitro Reader. (The new version is Nitro Reader 2, I just updated mine.) It will read pdf files and you can type on the page and fill in the boxes. This way you don’t have to write the information in and it is free. I use it all the time instead of adobe reader. Thanks for creating the labels.
Awesome label!!! I have many different calibers wish I had the program you have. Thanks for the goods
GREAT labels!!! I’ve been trying to inport them to DYMO LabelWriter, but have failed misserably. Guess I’ll just run out and buy some Avery 8163 blanks instead.
Thanks for your work!! EXCELLENT!!
Awesome labels! As with previous posts, do you have any other labels already made up? I have 4 other calibers and cannot (probably don’t have the correct programs) modify what you already have created. Any suggestions? Or do you have 380ACP, 45 Colt, 7mm-08 Rem, or 30-30 Win? Thanks again for creating these timesavers.
Is there a template for the rcbs reloading die boxes I replaced a few over time plus the ones i do have the stickers are old would like to redo all and have a clean look I found avery 1 x 3 to be a close match just cant find a template anywhere.
Thank you so very much. I am geting older the eye sight is not as good, and I need this for my reloading.
Avery is not much help. I can’t wait to start using these lables.
Just a note if you put the sticky lable on your shirt then pull it off, then put on your ammo box’s the lable will come off without a hitch. Some lint will stick on and make removeal easy.
Thanks for the great labels. Would it be possible to add .380 acp labels? Ultimate Reloaders has helped me greatly. Looking forward to more great ideas and information.
Thanks for the label file they look great. Thank You
Sure like to have 10 mm ammo labels Thank You
I’m looking for templates that will print out various caliber boxes for storage of bulk ammo.
Exactly what I was looking for…first link my search engine returned…gotta love it. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for these labels I never thought of printing my own, I my include them when people buy brass from me.
Thanks, great labels, I was looking for labels when I found your site. These are far better.
Thanks so much, really appreciate you posting these.
Having trouble printing them using Avery 8163 labels in Word. How do myou import the PDF file?
Love your labels… think you could come up with 357 sig labels?
I am using AVERY J8163 labels also and finding that they print outside of the label parameters.
Any suggestions please?
I’ve tried using Avery templates based on J8163, but these are also printing out of alignment.
many thanks!
Can you add:
.380 ACP
45 LC
Thanks for the label outlines, but I too am hiving problems lining up the Avery 8163 labels. The top row is fine, but the remaining labels are off. The output starts to creep vertically with the second row. Any suggestions?
Thank you for the labels. This is just what I needed! I converted the 9mm to Word so I can edit just a bit (picky about colors):). If you will allow, I would be happy to share and convert the others as well.
I’m also having trouble with the Avery labels! Any solutions? I’ve tried importing into different programs but no luck getting PDF to import or convert?
I left the previous comment hoping someone would have an answer for my (an others) problem. Since that posting I’ve tried 2 other computers with different operating systems and printers with the same results. Someone surely has the answer to this problem. I guess I’ve resorted to begging!
Just downloaded Gavin’s labels. They will work great on the new ammo boxes I purchased from Repack box.com. With repack box .com ammo boxes for all my calibers and the great labels from Gavin, I will have organization at the reloading bench. No more scribbling info on small labels.
Thanks Gavin
any way to make these editable in Adobe Reader so we can enter data and change the caliber?
Any chance you could add 6.5 Creedmoor….?
Thanks…these are great labels…
This is great, thank you!
Looking for labels for
380 Auto
45 Colt
243 Win
300 AAC Blk
Thanks !!!