Tag: Pistol Reloading

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Hodgdon Overhauls Reloading Data Center

It goes without saying that reloading data is one of the most important aspects of reloading for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. I spend a lot of time finding and keeping track of load data– it’s an imperative part of how I manage my workflow and cartridge knowledge base. In case you haven’t seen it yet, […]

Ultimate Reloader Moves to the Country

Anyone that lives in the city can tell you just how difficult, limiting, and expensive shooting can be when you don’t have access to the country. I once joined a shooting range with the understanding that I’d be able to shoot photos and videos for this website, only to find out that they would later […]

Do I really need a bullet feeder?

So there you are sitting at your reloading bench cranking out some ammunition and a thought comes into your head. What if I added a bullet feeder to this press? I could really speed things up, and it would be fun to get a new press accessory! But you may also ask yourself: Will it […]

How to weigh the costs and benefits of reloading your own ammunition

We’ve all been there- walking past that neglected tool in the garage or exercise equipment in the den with accumulated dust so thick you could write your name in it. Then, you think back to the weeks that you agonized over which make/model to go with, and the rush of excitement when the delivery truck […]

Redding GR-X Die: Overview, Setup, Operation

In my first 40 S&W post, I talked about the issues that necessitate special sizing operations for certain classes of range pickup semi-automatic pistol brass. In this video I talk through an overview of the Redding GR-X die for 40S&W, show the setup steps (with optional bottle and bottle adapter), and also show push-through sizing. […]

Some Case Lube Products I’ve Used

Reloading ammunition involves forming brass. Forming brass involves a lot of force and friction- this makes case lube a vital part of the reloading equation. Now, talk to a motorsports enthusiast about engine oils, and you’ll get opinions: strong ones. Likewise, when discussing case lubes, you’ll get passionate opinions as well. It’s not surprising people […]

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