Tag: 6.5 Grendel

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A Discussion with Starline at SHOT Show 2019

As you all know, I shoot a LOT of Starline brass! And this year while at the SHOT Show, I had the opportunity to talk brass with Starline’s Hunter Pilant! As I mentioned, I’ll have a lot of cool stories this year featuring Starline brass including 6mm Creedmoor, 6.5 Grendel, 7.62x39mm, and more! So please […]

Exclusive Look: Redding New Products for 2017

If you are a fan of Redding Reloading Equipment products as I am, you’re going to be excited when you read this post! Through some patient persistence, I was able to get the “first look” at Redding’s new product announcements for the 2017 calendar year and SHOT Show. The theme this year is dies, dies, […]

.25-45 Sharps AR-15 Part 1: Kick-Off and Rifles Overview

I absolutely love the AR-15 rifle platform. The AR-15 is iconic and historic, it’s modular, it’s affordable,  it’s compact and light weight, it’s fun to shoot- and it even looks cool! The AR-15 platform is also quite versatile- a great option for defense, target shooting and competition, and even varmint hunting. But what about big game […]

6.5mm Grendel: 308 Ballistics for the AR-15

When Steve Lawrence from the 6.5 Guys asked if I’d like to shoot his AR-15 chambered in 6.5mm Grendel, I said: “Absolutely!”. We were up at the “Ultimate Reloader Outpost” working on another shooting project, and had some spare time. A great opportunity to try a new AR-15 chambering! Prior to to this experience, I […]

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