Category: Rifle Reloading

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Henderson V3 Case Trimmer: Unboxing, Overview, Setup, Trimming

I’ve recently partnered with Henderson Precision and have been very impressed with their Gen 3 power case trimmer. In this story I’ll cover unboxing, overview, setup, and trimming some 6 Dasher brass! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content […]

Match Report: NRL Hunter Blue Ridge

As you’ve all seen with our recent 6.5 creedmoor ultimate build, KRAFT test overview, NRL Hunter power factor and range bag videos,  I’ve been deep in preparation for NRL Hunter matches. This time I’m headed to Benge, Washington for  the Blue Ridge Big Five.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading […]

375 H&H HAMMER Load for African Plains Game

Story by Guy Miner In case you didn’t already know — I’m beyond excited about my upcoming trip to Africa. I’ve already showcased load development for my 30-06 and threading the same rifle for a suppressor, but I’m also taking another rifle, a Ruger Number One 375 H&H.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with […]

Loading 30-06 for Africa with Hornady 165gr CX Bullets

After years, actually decades, spent dreaming of Africa, I’ve finally booked a trip. Since then, I’ve been actively preparing for my South African  dream hunt for gemsbok, kudu, wildebeest, and other African antelope collectively referred to as plains game. I’ve chosen my 30-06 rifle to accompany me on this adventure.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / […]

Hands-On: Inline Fabrication Ergonomic Roller Handle

In terms of reloading press ergonomics, the handle is one of the most important parts. Ensuring comfortable and consistent strokes is key to good ammo and an enjoyable experience. Inline Fabrication has a line of ERGO Roller Handles for a variety of presses to assist with this!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal […]

XLR Envy Pro Chassis System In-Depth

Here at Ultimate Reloader, we are huge fans of XLR chassis. We’ve used several pre-installed factory offerings from Bergara and Anschutz as well as included some in rifle builds. New to us is XLR’s Envy Pro billet aluminum chassis, a feature-rich choice with many different options to choose from.  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making […]

TESTED: Hodgdon’s CFE-223 Smokeless Powder

Have you used Hodgdon’s CFE 223 ball powder? CFE stands for Copper Fouling Eraser and is designed to provide greater accuracy for longer periods of time with less cleaning, making it ideal for competition and varmint shooters. It’s also not just for 223!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this […]

Free Rifle Cartridge Guides

One of the first things you need to do when reloading your own ammo is to study up on the cartridge you’re loading for. A reloading manual is a great resource for this kind of information, but many times you need *more* data and information. Well, if you’re reloading for rifle, there’s some great free […]

5 Tips for Reloading Accurate Rifle Ammunition

There are many reasons to handload your own rifle ammunition. It’s fun, it’s economical, and you can attain maximum accuracy by carefully loading custom ammunition for your rifle. If you’re new to handloading rifle ammunition, here are some basic considerations for accuracy: Start with proven loads and load data Fire form your brass Optimize bullet […]

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