Category: Getting Started

How to get started reloading

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Rifle Reloading Basics Pt1: Safety and Brass Tumbling

Here at Ultimate Reloader, we use a lot of sophisticated equipment, but every person needs to start with the basics. In this series, we’ll review the basics of reloading for all the beginners out there, starting with cleaning brass! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video […]

New from RCBS at SHOT Show 2023

Straight from the 2023 SHOT Show, Justin Smith from RCBS tells us about their new dies!  Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). The content on this website (including videos, articles, ammunition reloading data, technical articles, gunsmithing and other information) is […]

Making Perfect — The Story Behind AMP Annealing

A Kiwi father and son set out to solve some seemingly impossible technical problems and built a successful business in the process. How much do you know about Annealing Made Perfect? You can now read the book to find out! Disclaimer Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching […]

5 Tips for Reloading Accurate Rifle Ammunition

There are many reasons to handload your own rifle ammunition. It’s fun, it’s economical, and you can attain maximum accuracy by carefully loading custom ammunition for your rifle. If you’re new to handloading rifle ammunition, here are some basic considerations for accuracy: Start with proven loads and load data Fire form your brass Optimize bullet […]

Understanding Different Types of Reloading Presses

Wondering what the differences are between a single-stage press, a turret, and a progressive press? Wondering what type of press would be best for you to start off with or upgrade to? In this video, I give a quick overview of each type of press, and talk about the high-level differences. This is as close […]

Q&A: What type reloading press should I start off with? – Part II

Recently, I gave an overview of the different types of reloading presses, and outlined some guidelines for selecting the type of press that best suits your needs. You can read that post HERE. I this post, I’ve created a video that shows you these types of presses (single-stage, turret, progressive) side by side. In addition, […]

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