Category: AR-MPR Phase II

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AR-MPR: Phase II – Sizing Depriming Priming .223 Remington

In this video we’ll start the precision loading process by lubing, sizing, depriming, and priming cases. We’ll walk through the features of the Redding Big Boss II, show how to lube .223 cases, validate sizing die setup, and then size/deprime/prime the cases. Next, we’ll cover charging the cases with the Redding 3-BR benchrest powder measure […]

AR-MPR: Phase II – Determining Max COL with OAL Gage

One of the important things to know before loading rifle ammunition is how far out (shallow) you can seat bullets, and what the optimized seating depth is for a particular bullet for your rifle and shooting application. For AR-MPR Phase II, we’re going for maximum accuracy, and also need to assure proper feed characteristics so […]

AR-MPR: Phase II Hornady Equipment Overview

In my last post, I gave an overview of some of the Redding equipment that we’ll be showcasing during Phase II of the AR-MPR project. I this post, I’ll cover some Hornady equipment that will also be used for this precision loading phase of the AR-MPR project. We’ll cover more Hornady gear (such as the […]

AR-MPR: Phase II Redding Equipment Overview

For Phase II of the AR-MPR we will be focused on precision handloading techniques and load development. For this phase of the project, I decided to showcase some of the popular Redding Reloading products that have an outstanding quality reputation. Here, we’ll talk briefly about each of these products. The Big Boss At the heart […]

AR-MPR: Phase II Kick-Off

Now that we’ve build and function checked the AR-MPR rifle (See Brownells Videos for Complete Details), it’s time to move from Phase I (Build) to Phase II – Precision Loading and Rifle Accurizing/Tuning. This rifle has already proven that it’s capable of meeting the original accuracy goal of .5 – .75 MOA (See Range Report […]

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